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Open an additional account

Find out how to open a secondary Expat Bank Account

Need to open another Expat Bank Account?

If you're already an HSBC Expat customer and want to open an additional account, you can call us to apply.

Bank Accounts are available in sterling, US dollar and euro.

HSBC Premier customer

Call: +44 1534 616 313

Just so you know, we may monitor and record your communications with us. This is in the interest of security and to help us continually improve our service.

Not yet an HSBC Expat Customer?

HSBC Advance customer

Looking for another currency?

If you need an account in a currency other than sterling, US dollar or euro. We offer fixed term and instant access savings accounts in up to 19 currencies.


Save for a fixed period with a choice of 19 currencies.


Make quick and easy payments across borders with an HSBC Expat Global Money Account. 

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