Give us feedback
Your feedback is invaluable to helping us serve you and all our customers better. It helps us maintain a high standard of service and provide products and services that meet your needs.
If you have a suggestion for us, we want to hear it.
Remember to...
- Include your name, address, postcode, email address and your preferred contact number
- Provide as much information about your complaint as possible to ensure a quicker response time
- Let us know when and how is best to get in touch, and we will do our best to meet this.

Give us a call
Premier customers call:
+44 1534 616 313
Advance customers call:
+44 1534 616 212
Just so you know, we may monitor and record your communications with us. This is in the interest of security and to help us continually improve our service.

Go online
If you're an existing customer and use online banking, you can send us a secure message once you have logged on.

Write to us
Send your letter to:
HSBC Bank Plc
Service Recovery Team PO Box 14
St Helier

Pay a compliment
If you have received exceptional service from someone, we would love to hear about it, too.
Our colleagues always appreciate receiving your positive feedback – because we let them know about it.
Raise a formal complaint
We are committed to providing you with a first-class service and effectively delivering the products and services you need. Even with the best intentions, we know things can go wrong. So, if for any reason you are not entirely satisfied with any aspect of our service, please let us know as soon as possible. We'll investigate the situation and where necessary, set about putting things right as quickly as possible. We may also take steps to avoid similar problems happening in the future.
Your views are important to us and your feedback is key to improving the products and services we offer.
Our complaints process
What happens when you first complain?
We'll always try to resolve your concerns there and then. If this is not possible, we'll fully investigate all the issues you have raised by speaking with you or writing to you. We'll acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days and, in most cases, resolve your concerns when we contact you.
Occasionally, we might have to investigate your complaint further, but we aim to resolve your issue within 90 days; 60 if you're a Hong Kong resident. If this isn't possible, we'll let you know by phone or in writing.
We hope that you won't need to escalate your complaint, as we're confident that we can resolve any concerns you raise with us to your satisfaction.
What can you do if you're not satisfied with the response to your complaint?
Clearly, we always want to be able to resolve your concerns. If you consider that our response to your complaint still does not fully address your issues, please let us know so we can understand if there is anything more we can do.
However, where you are not satisfied with our final response to your complaint, you can refer your concerns to the Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman (CIFO). If you want to contact the CIFO about your complaint, you will need to do this within 6 months from the date of our final response or they may not be able to review your complaint.
In addition, you must also contact CIFO within 6 years of the event complained about or, if later, 2 years of when you could reasonably have been expected to become aware that you had a reason to complain.
You can contact the CIFO at:
Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman
P O Box 114
Channel Islands
Jersey local phone: +44 1534 748 610
Guernsey local phone: +44 1481 722 218
For concerns relating to our Hong Kong office, you also have the right to refer the matter to the Complaint Processing Centre of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority at 55/F, Two International Finance Centre, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong.
For monetary disputes, you have the right to refer the matter to the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre (FDRC) at Room 408-409, 4/F, West Wing, Justice Place, 11 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong. In order to be eligible for resolution of disputes under the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme administered by FDRC, a written complaint must be filed with us and a final written reply in respect of the complaint has been issued or no final written reply has been issued within 60 days. Also, the dispute must be of a monetary nature not exceeding HKD500,000 (including any interest on any amount alleged to be a loss) or the foreign currency equivalent.